Friday, August 19, 2005

Farmer with Bullocks

Agriculture is the chief occupation of people in India, considering 70 % of the demography is rural. Rice is the chief crop cultivated in the South. Farmers depend on the monsoons to a great extent, and after the 1st shower of the South West Monsoon, thry till the soil with their bullocks and plough, after which they sow the rice grains. This picture was taken in the vicinity of Nagarhole National Park, Karnataka.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Beautiful Women in their homes

This is picture of a home in Dalmit Village, Uttarkashi District, Uttaranchal. Homes in this HImalayan village are made of beautifully carved panels of wood and the roofs are made of stone slabs. This stone slabs get hot really fast and do not lef off trapped heat easily, making it the ideal construction material in this cool part of the country. Women in Uttaranchal are beautiful and wear a lot of jewelry. They take care of children and also work in the fields. The men become potters and trekking guides.

Friday, August 12, 2005


At Karwar, in Karnataka, the Kali river joins the sea and forms a shallow estuary, which attracts a lot of fish. The local fishermen just walk into the shallow waters with their nets, spread the nets in the water and leave it there for a while. After some time, they remove the net, and return with the catch.